We offer a workflow from sample processing, staining (histology) and image acquisition (microscopy) through to data analysis, providing publication-ready results.
In addition to the equipment and expertise we have for processing and imaging your experimental samples, we offer options for analysis of imaging data. As well as extracting visual information from your data we can also interrogate the image output to derive statistical analyses. These range from basic quantification of marker-positive cells, object tracking in time-lapse image data to the growing field of histocytometric analysis. These analyses can be performed on suitable brightfield images with chromogenic stains and fluorescence images from any of our imaging platforms.
Image data analysis plays a critical role in our bioimaging facility, providing quantitative robustness to our bioimaging experiments. We have extensive experience in analysis software such as Image J (FIJI), Cellprofiller, Qupath and IMARIS.
We can provide advanced image analysis as a service, as well as trainings tailored to the needs of attendees and the goals of their research. ​​