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We can assist with experimental design, provide data analysis, and stain and run samples for external clients.


Panel Design 

Design custom panels for all of our benchtop analysers. This service may include: 

  • Assigning fluorophores to a list of markers provided by the user 

  • Rearranging an existing panel to improve data quality 

  • Assigning fluorophores to markers to expand an existing panel 

  • Combining smaller panels into one larger panel


Sample preparation and experimental design 

We can provide guidance on sample preparation and designing the experiment with appropriate controls. This may include: 

  • Tissue digestion protocol 

  • Staining protocol 

  • Design of compensation controls/reference controls 

  • Use of fluorescence minus one (FMO) controls 


Experiment optimisation and troubleshooting 

If you are having trouble getting good quality data, please contact us! We are available to assess the issue, determine problem area(s) and suggest a solution. Examples of this include: 

  • Sample preparation – tissue digestion and antibody/dye staining 

  • Panel design 

  • Panel optimisation steps 


Data analysis and presentation 

Once data has been acquired, we can work with the user to create a custom analysis specific to the user’s project and hypothesis. This may include: 

  • Checking data, panel, and compensation/spectral unmixing quality 

  • Identifying cell populations of interest and differences in experimental groups 

  • Batch to batch normalisation 

  • High-dimensional data analysis 

  • Determining the best method to present the findings 

  • Generating publication-quality figures â€‹

Cytek Biosciences Immunoprofiling assay kits

We can run and analyse for you the pre-optimised Cytek panels on human fresh blood or PBMCs. See the links below for the options available:

8-colour panel

14-colour panel

25-colour panel


Cell sorting 

We can sort a range of sample types sized from bacteria through to hookworm eggs on our BD Influx cell sorter. This is a conventional flow cytometry based system, so works best with panels optimised on conventional systems. The sorter is housed in a biosafety cabinet, allowing for sterile sorts at a PC2 level. Samples can be simultaneously sorted into up to six populations and into a range of collection vessels. Consult with one of our sort operators to discuss options and set up a trial sort.  





We offer a unique pipeline from histological handlining and staining to image recording and publication-ready data extraction. Using our histology, advanced fluorescent microscopy facility and bioimaging analysis we can help you understanding cellular distribution, interactions and networks in the context of tissue sections/ or organs itself.  



We take care of your samples according with the customer needs. We provide a service in sample preparation for Cryo-section and FFPE and compprestome.  This service may include: 

  •  We provide a costume based consultation for sample preparation and panel design   

  •  We  offer fixation, snap freezing and sectioning or one of the step only  

  •  Immunofluorescent polychromatic staining or histochemistry staining like H&E, PAS, Sirius Red and Masson Trichome



We provide a full service of imaging according to the experimental goals and we complement  imaging capabilities like high resolution imaging using laser scanning confocal microscope and over view imaging using whole slide scanner. This service may include: 

  • Imaging validation (control acquisition and cross talk validation) 

  • Data recording and files handling  


Image analysis

We transform your images in data set. We use Image, cellprofiler or Qupath software to extract valuable information from the images in ready to plot data set.  This service may include: 

  • Image curation and  image quality assurance  

  • Image analysis pipeline design and test  

  • Data confirmation and validation  

  • Image processing and data reporting 





Single cell RNA sequencing 

We have a BD Rhapsody for single cell RNA sequencing. We will guide you in the design of your experiment and prepare single cell RNA libraries for you. Libraries can then be sent the sequencing facility of your choice. Our bioinformatics staff can support you in the analysis of the results.  â€‹

Experimental design and consultancy 

We can provide guidance on designing experiments with particular analyses in mind, or with interpreting data after experiments have been carried out. This may include: 

  • Deciding between single-cell or bulk RNA sequencing 

  • Determining how many samples should be processed for a good downstream analysis 

  • Support with differential expression from cDNA sequencing data 

  • Working through different approaches to investigate genetic variation 


Computational scripting and applications 
  • Creating and/or providing support for scripts to automate repetitive tasks 

  • Designing applications to allow user-customisable data analysis 


Large-scale data analysis 
  • Processing high-throughput genetic data into summary tables 

  • Carrying out differential expression analyses from cDNA sequencing data 

  • Clustering and differential expression from single-cell sequencing data 

Thanks for your message!


Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Gate 7, Victoria University
Kelburn Parade, Wellington


PO Box 7060
Newtown, Wellington 6242
New Zealand

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